Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Wedding at Gosfield Hall

Last weekend I spent some time at Gosfield Hall near Braintree in Essex photographing a wedding. It was a beautiful location for a wedding and a bright and warm day. The brightness was not really a blessing from a photographer's point of view but it was a lovely day for a wedding and the people were enjoying the weather which made for some great social photography. Here are a few of my shots from the day:

I worked on this wedding with a photographer friend of mine. You can see Randy's work here:

Its worth a look.

A Fresh Start

After a long time simply uploading photographs onto my previous blog, I have decided that it lacks any kind of personalisation and is less than informative about the pictures themselves. I intended my blog to show what I was working on at the moment to anyone who is interested, but alas my last blog was simply a series of random pictures with no clearly marked connection.

So, after very little deliberation I have decided to start a new blog. This time I indend to keep a running commentary on my work, for any who might find it interesting, and also for my own benefit. Hopefully it will help give me direction and be a useful point of reference.

So to begin with I will upload a few altered images I have been working on after seeing some simlar work in Camden market. These are obviously heavily photoshoped, and are intended to 'bleed' colours into each other to give a general feel for a particular enviroment in London. These ones refer to firstly Camden Market and secondly to Notting Hill Carnival. The photographs I used were all taken using my Canon D450.

They follow on from previous images I have created (and posted on my earlier Blog). Originally I was trying to achieve an effect similar to an old LOMO camera but after merging several images I found there was room to experiment in lots of other ways.

You can see my previous blog here: