Thursday, October 29, 2009

Domus Nova

This week I was asked to start working for a property company called DOMUS NOVA. They have got me taking photos of the interior of houses and flats that are up for sale and rent in the Notting Hill area. There is a very particular style that they are looking for and I find this quite restrictive but I am confident that I will find some interesting angles in some of the places you least expect. You can see the photos in situe on the Domus Nova website:

Below are some shots from my first day.

Great St. Barts

I was recently asked to do some shots of the Church of St. Batholomew the Great. It was an interesting shoot in a magnificent church. It is the oldest surviving church in the City of London and is now dwarfed by the enourmous hospital right next door. Here are a few of my favourite shots.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ripped @ The Lightbox

I have been taking the photos for the event 'Ripped' at the lightbox as a favour to some friends who organise the event for some time now. Here are a few nightclub style shots from the last one.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Stirling Moss

I was asked to photograph an event at the RAC in Pall Mall last night. The event was 'An Evening with Stirling Moss' hosted by Octane Magazine. Murray Walker was interviewing Sir Stirling and as they are old friends the talking went on for some time before the Octane readers/diners were asking their own questions. I managed to acquire a few shots that have been published on Octane's website and will appear in the next issue.

This photo will be published in the next issue of The Times Magazine as well.

Here is the article in Octane:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

St Bartholomew the Great

I was asked to come and take photos at the official opening of the cafe in St Bartholomew the Great's Church in Smithfield's in London. There were very few people there but they wanted some nice photos to put in any articles/promotional material and the like. Here are a few of my shots from the day.